Le discours indirect
Le discours indirect : correction exercice 1 (niveau A2 - débutant)
Compréhension : Passez ces énoncés au discours indirect. Introduisez les énoncés par des verbes au simple past. Essayez de varier les verbes introductifs. Transformez les phrases traduites en discours direct.
1. The grocer greeted Mrs Dalh and asked her how she was (doing).
2. Mrs Dahl answered that she was very well, thanked him, and askedhim how he (himself) was doing.
3. He answered/replied that he was pretty good and asked what he could do for her.
4. She told him that she needed some ham and a can of peas.
5. The grocer asked her what she was cooking for dinner that evening/that night.
6. Mrs Dahl said she didn't know yet because her husband was out on business, and because she would/was going to eat alone.
7. The grocer remarked that her husband seemed to be doing a lot of travelling.
8. Mrs Dahl agreed with him and confided she was getting tired of eating dinner alone!".
Le discours indirect : correction exercice 2 (niveau A2 - débutant)
Traduisez :
1. The grocer asked her if she wanted anything else.
2. She replied/answered that she had everything she needed in her freezer.
3. But he still suggested she buy a half-pound of his excellent cheddar.
4. She thanked him but revealed that she didn't like cheese.
5. He replied that she didn't know what she was missing.
Le discours indirect : correction exercice 3 (niveau A2 - débutant)
Transformez les phrases traduites en discours direct.
1. Do you want anything else?
2. No, I have everything I need in my freezer.
3. I suggest you buy a half-pound of my excellent cheddar.
4. Thank you, but I must tell you I don't like cheese.
5. You don't know what you're missing.
Retourner aux exercices sur le discours indirect
Dans ce module, vous pourrez apprendre à manipuler le discours indirect. N’ hésitez pas à consulter le cours sur les mots interrogatifs. Et pour parfaire vos cannaissances, la société Educastream propose un service intitulé "apprendre l'anglais en ligne".