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Les relatifs

Les relatifs : exercice 1 (niveau B1 - intermédiaire)

Complétez les énoncés par le relatif qui convient.

1. The clothes ___________ the tramp wore were in tatters.

2. _________ makes me mad is that I can't find my glasses.

3. The tramp, ____________ clothes were in tatters, sat every day near the same tube station.

4. The glass out of ______________ you're drinking is pure Baccarat.

5. I told you yesterday! She's the woman ___________ is going to be our next president.

6. Is she the one ____________ picture you showed me too?

7. He told the teacher we had been skipping classes, __________ he will pay for!

8. I don't like the way _____________ he is looking at me

9. They got married on the very day ___________ I left for the US,…

10. … _______________ is the reason ___________ I couldn't attend.


Les relatifs : exercice 2 (niveau B1 - intermédiaire)

Traduisez ces énoncés


1. The clothes which/that/Ø the tramp wore were in tatters.

2. What makes me mad is that I can't find my glasses.

3. The tramp, whose clothes were in tatters, sat every day near the same tube station.

4. The glass out of which you're drinking is pure Baccarat.

5. I told you yesterday! She's the woman that/who is going to be our next president.

6. Is she the one whose picture you showed me too?

7. He told the teacher we had been skipping classes, which he will pay for!

8. I don't like the way that/Ø he is looking at me.

9. They got married on the very day when I left for the US,…

10. … which is the reason why I couldn't attend.


Les relatifs : exercice 3 (niveau B1 - intermédiaire)

Expression : traduisez en anglais ; rejetez la préposition en fin de subordonnée et utilisez le pronom relatif Ø à chaque fois que c'est possible.


1. La personne avec qui je déjeune tous les samedis est le Premier Ministre.

2. Le tintamarre que nous avions à supporter le soir nous a fait à la longue appeler la police.

3. L'homme dans la voiture duquel elle est arrivée était le PDG en personne. (CEO)

4. L'avion dont ils sont finalement sortis avait été détourné. (hijack)

5. Le film dont je t'ai parlé est le Seigneur des Anneaux.

6. La perte de son épouse fut un choc dont il ne se remit jamais.





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