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Les démonstratifs

Les démonstratifs : exercice 1 (niveau A1 - novice)

Mettez les énoncés singuliers au pluriel et les énoncés pluriels au singulier en utilisant des démonstratifs.


1. This boy is my neighbour. _________________________________________________.

2. I don't like that woman. _________________________________________________.

3. These paintings (tableaux) are 200 years old. _________________________________________________.

4. And those vases are 4,000 years old. _________________________________________________.

5. Excuse me! This is my bag. _________________________________________________.

6. And that's my pen! _________________________________________________.


Les démonstratifs : exercice 2 (niveau A1 - novice)

This/these ou that/those ? Choisissez quel démonstratif utiliser !


1. ______ is my mother and ______ is my father.

2. And ________________ are my brothers and sisters.

3. Whose book is ___________?

4. ________ 's Suzan's (book).

5. And whose dirty shoes are _______________?

6. Hey! _______'s my car! Don't touch it!




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