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Différentes sortes de verbes


Exercice 1 :


Identifier la nature des verbes soulignés.


1. The two teams agreed that they would abide by the referee's decision.


2. How can you account for this discrepancy in the accounts?


3. What the evidence provided by the defence adds up to, your Honour, is that my client cannot have committed this heinous crime.


4. Stop acting up like a spoiled child, will you?


5. He foolishly let his 6-year-old daughter to attend to her baby brother.


6. The army and the post-office regurlarly auction off their used vehicles.


7. After studying our evidence, your Honour, anyone in their right mind will expect the prosecution to back down.


8. I totally blacked out when the car hit the tree.


9. When I heard the ridiculous accusation, I blew right up.


10. What scientists cannot really prove beyond doubt is that man's activity has brought about what they call global warming.


11. Bring him back home.


12. OK, I'll check up with Fred.


13. The suspect clammed up and refused to say a word.


14. The government is going to clamp down on violent video games.


15. You better tell Dad the truth, for I won't cover up for you this time.


16. They were crammed into the cars of a freight train.


17. Driving a nail into a piece of hard wood is not as easy as it may seem.


18. And then our tent finally fell down and we had to find shelter from the driving rain.


19. When they saw the policeman, they made for the back door.


20. This project will have to be put off till we find the way to finance it.


Exercice 2 :


Traduisez les énoncés de l'exercice 1.




Vous trouverez sur cette page les corrections des exercices sur les differentes sortes de verbes. Ce cours a été créé par Educastream, société proposant des cours à distance de mathématique et d’anglais. Nous vous conseillons d'aller également voir la fiche sur la traduction des verbes pronominaux français.




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