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Traduction du relatif "dont"

Traduction du relatif "dont" : correction exercice 1 (niveau B1 - intermédiaire)


Analysez la fonction de dont dans les énoncés suivants puis traduisez-les.


# fonctions traductions
1 CC* de cause The disease Ø he died of was a kind of multiple sclerosis.
2 CO Indirect It's the kind of disease you never recover from.
3 Compl de nom; whose children -> compl de l'indéfini all My uncle is a scientist, all of whose children are working in the space industry.
4 CO Indirect What you are telling me about is hardly makes any sense.
5 Compl d'un groupe nominal His films, two examples of which you saw last night, have never had much success.
6 CO Indirect en français, COD en anglais The teacher (whom) I remember best had succeeded in making me like maths.
7 Compl de l'indéfini She looks after handicapped children, most of whom are autistic.
8 Compl de l'adj covered ou complément de moyen du verbe cover. The roof Ø the house is covered with is made of a new revolutionary synthetic substance.
9 Compl d'agent The man Ø he was killed by was his own twin brother.

* CC = Complément circonstanciel





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