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Les auxiliaires modaux: CAN

Les auxiliaires modaux : correction exercice 1 (niveau A1 - novice)


Construisez des énoncés avec les éléments donnés (dans l'ordre alphabétique). Prêtez attention à la ponctuation indiquée :

1. can / John / play / the / very / violin / well

- John can play the violin very well.

2. can / i / see / when / you / ? /

- When can I see you?

3. are / can't / I / hear / where / you /you ?

- Where are you? I can't hear you.

4. before / can't / go / midnight / she / sleep /to

- She can't go to sleep before midnight.

5. can / come / they / tomorrow /

- They can come tomorrow.

6. can't / come / no / us / you / with

- No, you can't come with us.

7. be / can / dangerous / he / very /

- This can be very dangerous.


Les auxiliaires modaux : correction exercice 2 (niveau A1 - novice)

Capacité/incapacité ou permission/défense ? Comment comprenez-vous ces énoncés ? Ajoutez (C) ou (P) après chaque phrase :


1. In France, people can drive at 18. P

2. But Charlie can't drive! C

3. You can't drive my car. P

4. Can I have some tea? P

5. You can't read very well. C

6. He can swim very fast. C

7. Can you help me? C

8. I can't play the piano. C

9. Can Susan come with us? C ou P

10. I can't tell you. C ou P





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