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Le nom : emploi et caractéristiques

Le nom : exercice 1 (niveau A2 - débutant)


Prononciation des pluriels : exercice sonore. Indiquez le pluriel des noms suivants et de quelle façon le –s- sera prononcé. Cochez l'une des trois cases.


1. shoe .> [s]-[z]-[iz]

2. brush . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

3. Htiger . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

4. work . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

5. judge . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

6. lady . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

7. lord . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

8. pupil . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

9. student . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

10. interview . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

11. cow . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

12. pig . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

13. bus . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

14. boss . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

15. bath . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

16. watch . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

17. phrase . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

18. nerve . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

19. quiz . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

20. glass . >[s]-[z]-[iz]

21. apple . >[s]-[z]-[iz]


Le nom : exercice 2 (niveau A2 - débutant)

Mettre les énoncés suivants au pluriel à chaque fois que le sens le permet.


1. The lady told her child a story.

2. The story was about a goose and an ox.

3. The man walked a lot and had a sore (=douloureux) foot.

4. The baby picked up the leaf.

5. There was a big bad wolf in the wood.

6. Put the fork to the left of the plate and the knife to right.

7. During the shooting a life was lost.




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