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Les prépositions

Les prépositions : exercice 1 (niveau A2 - débutant)

Traduisez les phrases suivantes


1. This car costs about £ 20,000.

2. The town is about two miles away.

3. We are now flying above the clouds.

4. He walked across the field.

5. The man was leaning against the wall.

6. There were two men walking ahead of us.

7. The railroad runs along the Pacific coast.

8. There were a few hooligans among the demonstrators.

9. We walked as far as the nearest tube station.

10. Do not write below this line.

11. We live down the street.

12. I was inside the house when I heard the noise.

13. The cat jumped onto the bed.

14. Suddenly the car was on top of me!.

15. She was outside the house when she heard the explosion inside.

16. Granny put a cloth over the table.

17. You will find the post-office past the police station.

18. Please, sit round the fireplace.

19. They live up the hill.

20. I go to school on foot.

21. He came by boat.

22. The house was destroyed by a fire.

23. She is like her mother.

24. She knocked the vase off the table.


Les prépositions : exercice 2 (niveau A2 - débutant)

Statique ou dynamique (immobile ou en mouvement) ? Complétez par la bonne préposition.


1. The bear jumped ______ the water. (L'ours sauta dans l'eau).

2. The child is sleeping ____ his cot. (L'enfant dort dans son berceau).

3. His mother came ______ the room. (Sa mère entra dans la chambre).

4. The father jumped ________ his armchair. (Le père bondit de son fauteuil).

5. We were ________ the house when the fire started. (Nous étions à l'intérieur de/ dans la maison quand le feu a pris).

6. We are now flying ________ the Alps. (Nous volons maintenant au-dessus des Alpes).

7. The helicopter was just ______ the Eiffel Tower. (L'hélicoptère était juste au-dessus de la Tour Eiffel).

8. Where is John? –___ the cinema. (Où est John? -Au cinéma).

9. Where are you going? –_____ the supermarket. (Où allez-vous? –Au supermarché).


Les prépositions : exercice 3 (niveau A2 - débutant)

Trouvez la bonne préposition ou indiquez Ø s'il n'en faut pas (utilisez vos connaissances ou … vérifiez dans le dictionnaire !).


1. Don't look ____ him! (regarder quelqu'un)

2. We need _____ money, a lot of money! (avoir besoin d'argent)

3. Look _______ this book. (regarder dans un livre)

4. What are you looking _______? (chercher quelque chose )

5. He looked _______ the window and saw a shadow. (regarder par la fenêtre)

6. I look ______ him as a friend. (considérer)

7. She takes _________ her father. (ressembler à quelqu'un -en caractère)

8. I'm waiting _______ my vacation!. (attendre quelque chose)


Les prépositions : exercice 4 (niveau A2 - débutant)

Posez des questions portant sur les éléments mis entre parenthèses.


1. He went to (America).

2. He ran after (his dog).

3. She helps me with (my math)

4. I gave it to (Mary).

5. I threw the book at (him).

6. I'm looking for (my glasses).

7. They came with (their parents).




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